Since I started this blog in July, I have chosen to restrict the posting of comments and responses to readers who were willing to identify themselves publicly. The rationale for this restriction was to protect the blog against spam message. However, as Common Sense Family Doctor's readership has slowly grown through the online grapevine and social networking sites such as Twitter, I have re-thought this strategy and have now decided, in the interest of making the blog more interactive and to foster more healthy (as opposed to unhealthy) debate, to allow anyone who reads to post responses, starting today. I still encourage you to identify yourself voluntarily, but if for some reason you don't want to, you won't have to. Please respect the usual conventions of online etiquette, e.g. do not use profanity of any kind, and take issue with ideas rather than the person advocating those ideas. We'll see how this goes - I'm hoping for the best.
Kenny Lin, MD
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